expansive leader


you can have it all


True leadership is rooted in integrity, and a deep commitment to creating positive change and making a meaningful impact in the world.



My mission is for everyone to experience the type of wealth that's beyond money. To be rich in purpose and service. 


When we strive for impact, we use our unique gifts, talents, and our voice to make a meaningful difference in the world and leave a lasting legacy to inspire future generations.

ready to uplevel

a new era of business

The Expansive Leader program is designed for coaches and service providers who aspire to establish a solid foundation for their business - so that it can sustainably scale and be highly profitable.

This program will provide you with a proven framework to support you in designing, selling, and scaling your 1:1 or group coaching program. With a focus on building authority online, I teach you the skills necessary to effectively communicate your value and confidently sell your expertise anywhere between 3K-10K.

I will teach you how to operate your business out of excellence and how to position yourself in alignment with your core values. By leveraging my expertise and resources, you can rest assured that you’ll be equipped with the tools and strategies you need to achieve long-term success.

The work that I do is beyond just helping you make money. I'm on a mission to activate, inspire, & empower visionary entrepreneurs to go beyond the ordinary and truly build a strong foundation for the life they deeply desire to live. To not only be financially prosperous, but also rich in purpose, joy, and fulfillment. 

Are you ready to step into your leadership?
or will you keep feeding into the story that you need more time, more resources, more knowledge?

The most sustainable way to grow is through simplicity


I’m not here to sell you a product, or a mindset shift - I'm here to give you concrete solutions in your business. this is a business transformation & a deeper embodiment of leadership.

As your mentor, I am committed to guiding you towards a path of alignment and fulfillment. I will help you cultivate a mindset that prioritizes balance, self-mastery, discipline and service, while also pursuing your goals and achieving financial success.

a look into the experience

Leadership is at the core of it all. You want big, LEAD big. 

apply now

"Not only have I learned how to sell in my business from a place of authenticity, I have tripled my income from 5k/month to 15K/month in less than 60 days."

“The one thing in this container that has changed me and my business forever: SALES."

I’ve gotten to learn so much about how to show up comfortably in offering my services. I’ve gotten to release the doubt, shame and fear that was holding me back from getting on calls with people who were seeking for my solutions and opening up their worlds to something new. Understand now what the depth of sales means has lessened the load and allowed me to feel comfortable within this extremely critical part of business. Thank you Marina for being a genius in sales and offerings and consistently holding me in the highest version of myself.

"My business tripled in income within the first 2 months."

Since I started working with Marina I’ve been able to put out 3 new offers that are now running on their own and bringing in passive income . I’m so grateful I decided to allow in support as someone who has been trying to do this on my own for so long. 

"Marina has helped me create consistency and strategies so I can finally feel like I’m getting somewhere with my creations."

She helped me create my offerings and share my gifts with the world in a way that felt so supportive and inspiring. Since she’s come into my life I’ve been able to put out 3 new offerings that have been amazingly successful and have helped me witness in real time what a consistent bigger vision, strategies and action steps can bring into our lives. I’m forever grateful for how much you understand my inner artist and can bring her back down into the real world to create her real desires. 

here’s what you get when you say yes: 

expansive leader
is for you if:

If you're constantly focusing on getting new clients month after month, you are missing an important component of your business. In this phase we will master the art of client satisfaction and retention through methods such as creating a referral program that will be constantly renew your existing clients. By focusing on these areas, you can create a virtuous cycle of growth, increase profitability, and customer loyalty that will propel your business forward and make it sustainable.

mastering the art of client SATISFACTION increases profitability, and creates a steady stream of referrals.


PHASE eight


An onboarding process provides a structured framework for introducing new clients to your business, and ensures that they have a step by step process on how your program is going to unfold. This allows them to feel more connected to your business, more invested in its success, and ensures that new clients have a smooth and positive experience from the very beginning, setting the stage for a long and mutually beneficial relationship.

the onboarding process is one of the first experiences your client has with you.


onboarding process


When you're running a business, time is the most valuable resource, and it's essential to use it wisely. By managing your energy levels and scheduling tasks at the times when you're most productive, you can maximize your output, avoid burnout, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and achieve your goals more efficiently.

Managing your energy, time, and productivity is crucial for your business to thrive. 

energy & time management



This rings especially true in the context of running an expanding business. In this module, we'll be emphasizing the importance of tracking your data and monitoring the performance of your business. By tracking key metrics, you'll be able to gain real-time visibility into the health of your business. You'll be able to identify areas of strength and weakness, and make informed, data-driven decisions about where to best focus your efforts.

As the famous quote goes, "what is not measured, cannot be improved." 




Building a sales process is critical to the success of any business.

A sales process provides a structured framework for converting potential leads into paying clients. By creating a clear and consistent sales process, you'll be able to identify the most effective strategies for engaging with your audience, build trust with them, and close deals. This will ultimately lead to higher conversion rates, increased revenue, and a more sustainable business model.

master the art of sales



This phase has been carefully designed to guide you through the process of building a compelling promise, and effectively communicating the unique benefits of your program so that your ideal clients understand the incredible value that you offer. This will empower them to take action and feel confident that they're investing in a program that will truly transform their lives.

we'll create an irresistible offer that your ideal client simply can't refuse.

create a compelling & SCALABLE OFFER



If you want to position yourself as the expert in your field and charge premium prices for your coaching program, you will need to become the specialist - an industry leader. It's important to be strategic about positioning and make sure your brand appeals to the right audience. This will help you to stand out in a crowded marketplace, build a loyal customer base, and drive long-term business success.

Your program is not designed for everyone. It’s not supposed to be.

Premium positioning



Cultivating self-mastery is crucial in order to be of great service and impact to humanity. Through the practice of self-mastery, one of the greatest forms of wealth: you can become more in tune with your values, beliefs, your craft, and your goals. You will be able to uncover the underlying factors driving your self-sabotaging behaviors, procrastination and perfectionism and learn how to overcome them. Developing this mindset will give you the opportunity to not only be the leader of your life, but also create other leaders who will impact the world along side you.

If you want to be a great leader, you have to program your mind for success. 

leadership mindset



You are ready to raise your prices and sell your offers between 3k -10K. 

You are tired of offering discounts and down-selling your offers. What you're seeking is a straightforward and practical approach to help you sell your offers at a premium price.

You want to build a proper foundation for your business so that it can sustainably scale and apply advanced Human Psychology to close High-Ticket Sales.

You want to build authority online, communicate your value and sell your expertise with confidence.

You are tired of having inconsistent revenue and having to launch month after month.

You are a coach who genuinely values your client’s success, someone who is going to be a second pair of eyes and call you out on your bullshit.

You are resourceful and are committed to upleveling your game now.

You want a coach who will track your progress, help you overcome any obstacle and hold you accountable.

apply now

“Marina's coaching has allowed me to become aware of my full potential as a woman, but also as a leader."


Thanks to her intuition, her knowledge and her language filled with love and kindness, she was able to show me a new way of approaching my life. In 8 weeks, I could see concrete results on my mood, on my conscious reactions and on my daily life. I thank you so much for your unlimited support.

client wins

My business tripled in income within the first 2 months. 

Since I started working with Marina I’ve been able to put out 3 new offers that are now running on their own and bringing in passive income . I’m so grateful I decided to allow in support as someone who has been trying to do this on my own for so long. 

Georgia - leadership coach

"Investing in this mentorship has hands down been one of the greatest decisions i've ever made in my life"

I have invested in many programs but no other program offered me the support and wisdom that Marina offers. Firstly she got down to understanding who I was and what my business was all about, her level of caring is incredible. She gave me customised frameworks and assignments that really allowed me to reach next levels in my coaching. She has helped me release scarcity wounds around money and helped me create a beautiful relationship with it.

She has supported me in shifting my mindset towards an abundant mindset that allows me to understand that I am constantly receiving and that there will always be people willing to invest in my offers. What has supported me the most, was her call reviews: Not only is she able to break down my sales process she was able to fine tune the way that I show up on these calls. She has also held space for me so many times and offered me countless of her own time, outside of our calls to listen to me and remind me of my power. She is one of the greatest leaders out there and I don’t think I could ever show enough gratitude for her. .

- Elena C

Not only have I learned how to sell in my business from a place of authenticity, I have tripled my income from 5k/month to 15K/month in less than 60 days.

She helped me create my offerings and share my gifts with the world in a way that felt so supportive and inspiring. Since she’s come into my life I’ve been able to put out 3 new offerings that have been amazingly successful and have helped me witness in real time what a consistent bigger vision, strategies and action steps can bring into our lives.

I’m forever grateful for how much you understand my inner artist and can bring her back down into the real world to create her real desires. 

 - Nicole S.

"Marina has helped me create consistency & strategies so I can finally feel like I’m getting somewhere with my creations."

Not only within the action steps and tangible results in my service but most importantly the mindset, the self belief and worthiness I got to claim in order to become the woman who can BE successful to this day. Marina has a gift around an abundance mindset and allows you to move past the imposter syndrome that blocks you from claiming and receiving what you truly deserve. As someone who is an artist & who Is in deep devotion to service I can admit that my talents lie within my craft but not within the structure around it. I struggled to pitch high prices, have payments come in on time, my back system was a mess and it brought me constant anxiety.With the support of this program I’ve gotten to get so much clarity on how to create a stable foundation to ensure success and growth in a way that feels so clear and exciting to follow.

She really makes you feel ready to take on the world. I’ve personally felt overwhelmed by many other business programs I’ve invested in due to the massive amount of “pushing” to grow but no support around how to implement the strategies and mindset in our everyday lives. The art of leadership and showing up for business from Marina is a gift because it lies way beyond just the strategies and goes deep into the habits & ways of being we get to embody daily in order to become the most successful version of ourselves and show up for life in all walks of life. For anyone who wants to expand in all aspects of their life I highly suggest entering Marina’s container. It will activate you, inspire you and hold you like no other business container can. Thank you so much Marina I’m forever grateful for the confidence you’ve brought into life!

- Joy K. 

"Words can’t express the gratitude I have for the expansion this woman has brought into my Business."

Working with her has impacted me in ways that went far beyond the surface and into the deeper energetic levels of my Being. She has an incredibly unique way of inspiring, supporting and empowering me to break through the many obstacles that were holding me back in my business for a long time. The clarity I have gained in her intense and powerful program is immeasurable. For the first time I know exactly where I am going, what's required of me, and I can feel the leader within me stepping into full force. Marina is truly a walking embodiment of the balance between feminine and masculine, and her program is a beautiful artistic expression of this.

She has inspired me to step into a powerful version of myself and has supported me in taking intentional, actionable steps towards achieving success in life and business. There is something Marina has that words cannot describe. The way she devoted herself to my success and held a very close and supportive container left every part of me feeling alive. Her energy is contagious, and I have no doubt that any clients who works with her is in for something extremely special. Marina is not only a business coach but has become a sister in the process. Marina, you are a feminine force that is needed in the world right now and your work is such a gift. Thank you for seeing me, loving me, and helping transform my business into a highly successful, authentic, and true expression of my leadership.

- Nichelle R. 

"What can I say, Marina's work is beyond anything I have experienced. "

She is literally someone I look up to so dearly and aspire to become like one day. Her confidence, belief, faith, conviction, energy and support are what made me feel like I needed to continue working with her after our 2-month program was over. I needed to continue having this type of empowerment in my life, especially as I have been navigating my healing.

She helped me develop belief and confidence in myself with regards to the work I have been doing on myself that I never had before. I am honestly amazed and how much I have changed just after 2 months of daily work and support from her. Marina is always there to support me through the good, the bad and the ugly. She is so wise and intelligent and always has such a perfect response to support me with everything I need in the moment. I always feel seen, heard, understood and accepted for who I am. I have never once felt uncomfortable to share parts of my life with her, even though I never knew her before.

I felt safe in her presence from the very beginning. I honestly think this type of support is not talked about enough and I honestly would recommend Marina 10000000 times over. She really practises what she preaches and is proof that the work that you do on yourself works!”

Alisha C.

“Marina is just incredible! I’ve never met someone so empowering like her in my entire life."

A connection that is built on trust and transparency, honesty and respect, non-judgment and welcoming of everything.

Nothing is taboo with Marina and everything is subject to discussion and reflection, always with a touch of humor and self-mockery. Despite the physical distance, she is very present in the support she offers. I even wonder how she manages to juggle her business and personal life with such ease.

Marina is not just a coach, she quickly becomes the one who wears all the hats, and this, for our greatest fulfillment: friend, confidant, advisor, mother, male or female, spiritual guide, and so on. She succeeds in creating a bubble between herself and her clients, like a family and intimate bubble. Don't hesitate to invest in yourself by giving yourself the greatest gift of all: Marina's guidance.

- Emmanuelle L.

"Since I started my journey with Marina, I felt this strong connection between her and me."


optimizing skill sets

I believe that if you want to run a successful business you need to be constantly optimizing yourself and your skill sets. The work we will do together will be beyond just business. We will dive deep into your current belief systems and reprogram them to support you in your highest expression.

unconditional support

I promise to fully accept you as you are and where you are while holding the vision of where you're heading. I will see you in your highest timeline. I will help you build a business that excites and expands you. As your mentor, I will teach you all the essential principles and practices that will allow you to improve and enrich all aspects of your life so that you can reach your next level of leadership. I will teach you how to take charge of your mental and physical states so that you can experience an increase of energy level and a heightened sense of well-being like never before.

radical ownership

I will challenge and push you to your highest potential. I believe that true growth and success requires you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the unknown. I will show you how to thrive by taking radical ownership of all aspects of your life and approach challenges with confidence and courage.

my promise to you

apply now

Working with Marina has been one of the best investment I’ve  made on myself and business.

Not only have I learned how to sell in my business from a place of authenticity, I have tripled my income from 5k/month to 15K/month in less than 60 days. I have invested in many programs but no other program offered me the support and wisdom that Marina offers.

Firstly she got down to understanding who I was and what my business was all about, her level of caring is incredible. She gave me customised frameworks and assignments that really allowed me to reach next levels in my coaching. She has helped me release scarcity wounds around money and helped me create a beautiful relationship with it.

She has supported me in shifting my mindset towards an abundant mindset that allows me to understand that I am constantly receiving and that there will always be people willing to invest in my offers. What has supported me the most, was her call reviews: Not only is she able to break down my sales process she was able to fine tune the way that I show up on these calls. She has also held space for me so many times and offered me countless of her own time, outside of our calls to listen to me and remind me of my power. She is one of the greatest leaders out there and I don’t think I could ever show enough gratitude for her. 


serving from a place of EXCITEMENT and empowerment

ready to rise?

let's do this thing

it's time to step into the next level of your leadership